However, with the view of doing 5-6(ish) hours driving a day, it's currently looking something like this.
Oxford > Alkmaar in Holland.
Alkmaar > Lubeck in Germany.
Lubeck > Copenhagen in Denmark.
Copenhagen > Örebro in Sweden (yes, the places are getting strange now ;-)
Örebro > ?
If anyone reading knows anything about these places or knows any 'must see' things near by we'd be happy to hear them. I know Pete is desperate to stop at Moomin World in Finland but beyond that it's a blank page.
OK, well I should really start packing but before I go I'll share the first 'gimmage' (image found using google image search) which I found when I googled 'Alkmaar' our first location. Behold - 'The Wolky Alkmaar'

Oh, and incase you're wondering about the clutch. We went for option 2 'leave it and risk it'. Please pray for us.
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