Yesterday was more like an acid-trip than a road-trip. Cheap, surreal, funny and at times quite scary. Yesterday, I caught Pete, dressed as one of the Village People trying to strangle Florian (aka wigman) who was dressed as a gollywog! leaving that weirdness behind we got to the German border where I tested positive (twice) for drug usage. You can imagine my face after the second test the mean looking customs guy leant into the window and said 'so, you take H'. You can also imagine my concern as he took me off to his office and got some rubber gloves out. Thankfully for everyone, they were only used to wipe a thing on my neck which proved that, i'm not a junkie after all. Things are a little better in Denmark but we're camping in a fortress, have been attacked by huge dog-like flying things and 3 dudes in suits just walked into the tent next to us. Maybe the Danish see camping as a serious business? ...naturally we ended the day drinking Slovene beer
and eating tinned peaches. Today we're invading Copenhagen. We'll keep you posted. Ian. Ps a woman just walked passed pete and shouted 'nice box'

Me and the Queen - Lubeck, Germany

Florian, pretending he's a real actor

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The secret theatre
Guys - its the 1st of July and its the hottest day of the year so far over here in England. Are you baked in that car ? Are you sweltering at night ?
Derek Graham
Sound's like you guys are having quite a road trip! Would love to have seen your faces at the German boarder!!! Ha Ha!
Safe journey,
wigman? I am a serious actor. you know. dammit.
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