Tuesday, 24 June 2008

A plan? Don't be ridiculous...

...but we do have our first bed/sofa/floor sorted in Alkmaar - Holland and I'm working my typing fingers to the bone trying to arrange some more. However, not knowing exactly how far Ralph will take us each day makes planning quite hard. So does my deep aversion to planning.

However, with the view of doing 5-6(ish) hours driving a day, it's currently looking something like this.

Oxford > Alkmaar in Holland.
Alkmaar > Lubeck in Germany.
Lubeck > Copenhagen in Denmark.
Copenhagen > Örebro in Sweden (yes, the places are getting strange now ;-)
Örebro > ?

If anyone reading knows anything about these places or knows any 'must see' things near by we'd be happy to hear them. I know Pete is desperate to stop at Moomin World in Finland but beyond that it's a blank page.

OK, well I should really start packing but before I go I'll share the first 'gimmage' (image found using google image search) which I found when I googled 'Alkmaar' our first location. Behold - 'The Wolky Alkmaar'


Oh, and incase you're wondering about the clutch. We went for option 2 'leave it and risk it'. Please pray for us.

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